The recent ban on Kaspersky software in the US highlights the risks of using software influenced by foreign governments. Whether you’re a business or a home user, it’s important to stay vigilant about the software you use. Here are some simple steps to protect your data:
- Know Your Software: Keep a list of all the software on your devices and know where it comes from.
- Assess Risks: Check if any software has potential risks, especially those from countries with a history of cyber threats.
- Control Access: Limit what your software can access. Ensure it doesn’t have unnecessary access to sensitive or personal data.
- Stay Updated: Regularly update and patch your software to protect against vulnerabilities.
- Be Aware: Educate yourself and others about the risks of certain software and stay alert for any unusual activity.
If you’re unsure about the software on your devices, consider seeking a professional health report to identify all software in your environment, what data it accesses, and its origins. This can help ensure your data is safe and secure, improving your overall computer operations and awareness.